Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Raspberries and my saucer...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting<----(VIDEO - click on me to play)

Here I am having so much fun!


I got my first tooth on Friday! Mommy has been trying to take a picture of it, but my tongue is always in the way! I like to feel my new tooth with my tongue! It's pretty neat! Mommy thinks another tooth will come in right beside it pretty soon...maybe next week! I'm getting so big!!


Grammie and Grampie came to visit me this weekend. We had lots of fun! They took me to Memorial Garden and I got to see all the pretty flowers again! It was so much fun! Here we are on our way to church. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Here I am, 7 months old and all dressed up for Easter!

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At the game...

Here I am sitting with my friend Jonathan at the baseball game. We had SOOOO much fun! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Take me out to the ball game...

Mommy and Daddy are taking me to my first baseball game tonight. I CAN'T wait! We'll take more pictures and post them tomorrow!

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Big girl...

Here I am at 7 months old! Mommy and Daddy can't believe I'm this old, but I keep telling them I'm a big girl. Yesterday, I showed mommy how I can get out of my Bumbo seat. I bonked my head on the cabinet, but it didn't hurt too bad. Mommy says I can't sit in the Bumbo seat anymore. I don't understand. I just learned how to get out of it! Oh well...I have lots of other things to learn, like how to crawl!
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Thursday, April 06, 2006

7 months...

I turned 7 months old yesterday!!! Mommy says she will take some pictures this week and post them. Funny...I don't feel older! Mommy says I don't look older either...good!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Saturday with Mommy and Daddy...

<---Azealas are pretty...and soft too!

<---Wait a minute! I can't see!

<---I love my exersaucer and playing outside!

<---I'm not so sure about these sunglasses!! Posted by Picasa