Wednesday, November 28, 2007

One year ago...

Here's me just about one year ago. Mommy says I've changed a lot. I just feel like me...Emma! :-) But I can talk more and Mommy likes to put my hair up with bows.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Long awaited pictures...

I had so much fun at my friend Naomi's birthday party!! We went to a place called Monkey Joe's. I can't wait to go there again!

My playgroup had a Halloween party at my house! We had so much fun! Mommy made special cupcakes and gave everyone their own candy corn treat to take home. We also had carmel apples!! :-) I dressed up like a puppy dog! "woof woof"

Mommy and Daddy took me trick or treating with some of our friends from the neighborhood. It was really fun, but I got really tired!

Monday, November 05, 2007


Mommy posted some pictures of me on her blog. She says you should go there and look at them! :-)